Some quilty tiles in Berkeley


This is the tile floor of an Indian restaurant in Berkeley called Nameste. It’s also a quilt pattern called the exquisite.  I think it’s more interesting when it’s made in a wonky fashion with the triangles all different sizes.

I’m surprised to realize that I let a whole month go by without a single blog post.  We arrived home from France on May 1st. We dashed to pick up our guinea pig, Milkshake, from where he was being boarded. He must have caught pneumonia there. By the end of the week he was gone. We buried him in the back yard under a large heart shaped stone, found years ago on a beach. He was at least 6 years old, which is a lot for a guinea pig. Here’s a photo of Milkshake:


He was a wonderful piggie, with a lovely loud purr when he was being held. I worry that I’ll never find another one like him. Many guinea pigs don’t like being held.

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