Lone Robin top finished!

LR top finished

This is my Lone Robin quilt top finished, with all 6 elements completed. I added the three turquoise squares on the top by machine applique, since the top was already sewn together when I decided to add them. This is a dark photo, I’ll try to get a better photo in different light.

To recap, the 6 elements were:

  1. Points or triangles
  2. Strip piecing
  3. Organic/Curves
  4. Paths/Roads/Ladders/Stairs
  5. Gradations in color or strip size
  6. Quilter’s choice

Each element needed to be adjacent to the element before it.

This entry was posted in EBHQ, Improvisational piecing, Lone Robin, Machine applique, SFQG. Bookmark the permalink.