I taught a hamsa class in person!

Foil Hamsa RH 1

Today I lead the Netivot Shalom Rosh Hodesh group in hamsa making. These are hamsas by my students. They are made from 36-gauge metal foil. I’ve really missed teaching in person! I told them a little about the folklore of hamsas, but we had so little time that I didn’t do my usual lecture. I also have done text study from the Talmud on amulets in past workshops, but there wasn’t time for that, either. Here are more photos of my students’ lovely hamsas.

Foil Hamsa RH 2

Foil Hamsa RH 3

Above are drawings by past students, not just from today, of hamsas as they were designing them.

Foil Hamsa RH 4

Foil Hamsa RH 6

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