New photos!

Claire Sherman_Axis Mundi Jacobs Ladder_1of3.jpg


I’m preparing a slideshow of the quilts that were in my solo show at St Albans for EBHQ Quilters Gather on 1/11/24. I’ve been taking new photos because my old photos aren’t up to my current standards. If you go to you can request the Zoom link. Quilters Gather starts at 7 PM. Here are a few new photos.



Above is Axis Mundi: Jacob’s Ladder

Claire Sherman_Gesher Tzar Narrow Bridge_1of3








Above is Gesher Tzar: Narrow Bridge

06 Blue Pomegranate Hamsa 12 x 12








Above is Blue Pomegranate Hamsa. It looks huge here but it’s only 12″ x 12″.

Below is First Lone Robin.

17 First Lone Robin H 45 x W 34

This entry was posted in 12 x 12, EBHQ, hamsa, Improvisational piecing, Machine applique, Quilt Shows. Bookmark the permalink.