There’s nothing like a deadline for motivation!


I just finished this quilt! It’s for a SAQA show called Art Movements- making quilts inspired by art movements, like Cubism.

When I was eleven years old I painted a self portrait that my art teacher said was reminiscent of Paul Klee’s cubist paintings. I’ve liked Paul Klee’s work ever since then. I intended to sew a cubist face, but then I saw Klee’s painting, Castle and Sun, which looks just like a quilt! There are even four-patch blocks in it. This quilt is my third attempt at sewing cubist houses. Each time, the houses have become more abstract and perhaps more cubist as well. In this quilt the houses are made of only squares and triangles. However, I’ve hinted at more of the architectural details in the quilting. I’m excited to have rediscovered Paul Klee and plan to make more cubist style cityscape quilts in the future

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