Today I spent the day at the Pacific Int’l Quilt Festival (PIQF). Even though I was there from 10 AM till 4 PM when it closed, I’m not sure that I saw all the quilts. I did see most of them though. There was a special Social Justice Sewing Academy (SJSA) exhibit there this year. Three of those quilts I had helped make in some way. There was one that had a block that I embroidered, one that I found 6 other people to embroider the blocks, and one that I worked with a youngish artist to help her collage her quilt. In addition to the SJSA quilts I had one of my own quilts on exhibit, called Axis Mundi-Jacobs Ladder.
Above is Axis Mundi/Jacob’s Ladder.
Next is a quilt by 6 Lakota youth. I found 6 members of EBHQ to embroider the 6 blocks within a very short time span.
For the next one, I sat with Crystal for most of a day, helping her collage this quilt.