Category Archives: Paper-cuts

Royzelach paper rose/snowflake class in person this Sunday in Berkeley

I’ll be teaching how to make these royzelach (paper cut-out roses) at the Shavu’ot, (pre) Tikun this Sunday at the JCC /east Bay. But if you can’t come in person, here’s a video of me teaching it. However, it’s easier … Continue reading

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New/old papercuts!

It’s been a while since I’ve done papercutting. However, I just added several papercuts to the papercut gallery which you can access from the menu bar at the top of my blog. I made most of these a long time … Continue reading

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I’m teaching in person!

I’m teaching an in-person workshop! And it’s free (plus $5 for art supplies) Details below: Making a Paper-Cut Hamsa A New Lehrhaus workshop with Claire Sherman Free plus $5 for art supplies March 20, 2022- 11:00 am – 1:00 pm Masks and … Continue reading

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I’ve added a paper-cut gallery to the menu bar at the top of my blog. I’ll be teaching a hamsa papercutting class for New Lehrhaus on 3/30/21. Papercut Hamsa Workshop A hamsa is a stylized hand for protection against the … Continue reading

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