Sing back

Sing back

I decided to use the word sing as the back of my second lone robin quilt. I haven’t figured out the quilting yet, but I’ll make it up as I go along. Below is the front of this quilt.

LR top finished

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Today I was the Zoom host in Cheryl Arkinson’s EBHQ class on piecing letters and words into quilts. It took me most of the day to make this. Singing is what’s kept me sane though the pandemic! Well, maybe both singing and quilting!

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Chunk of the Month

March began with a new mystery quilt activity designed by Julia McLeod, who brought us our two Lone Robin activities. Each month Julia will provide a new PowerPoint of the Chunk, which will be revealed at Quilters Gather. Participants will sew four or eight Chunks each month, then set aside those Chunks for future assembly.

At the end of six months, the quilter will have 44 Chunks, which will create a 48” square quilt. Julia will provide yardage requirements and measurements for each Chunk. She will suggest a variety of settings for the Chunks. No two quilts will look the same!

Julia has asked me to do wonky/curved/my own take on the Chunk of the Month. Here are my first two chunks of Chunk of the Month. More details are on the EBHQ website.

Chunk 1

Chunk 2

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Voices in Cloth quilt show is next weekend!!



Here’s the quilt I just finished quilting and delivered with my other quilts for the Voices in cloth quilt show!

Claire_ShermanThe East Bay Heritage Quilters’ show- Voices in Cloth is March 26 & 27. You can find all the info at

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I’m teaching in person!

NC 2

I’m teaching an in-person workshop! And it’s free (plus $5 for art supplies) Details below:

Making a Paper-Cut Hamsa

A New Lehrhaus workshop with Claire Sherman

Free plus $5 for art supplies

March 20, 2022- 11:00 am – 1:00 pm

Masks and vaccination plus booster if eligible, required!

hamsa is a stylized hand for protection against the “evil eye,” frequently worn as jewelry. Made by both Jews and Muslims, hamsas are found all over the Middle East but are older than either religion. Learn about the folklore of hamsas, the basics of paper-cutting – a traditional Jewish folk art – as we make them out of paper using scissors and/or Exacto knives, and glue them to a background. No artistic talent required to make stunning hamsa designs! The finished paper-cut hamsa can be framed and hung on the wall.

Bring $5 cash, or check made out to the instructor, or PayPal, for tools & art supplies.

Register at:


Congregation Netivot Shalom

1316 University Ave

Berkeley, CA 94702

 Claire Sherman creates quilts, ceramic sculpture, and Jewish ritual objects out of fabric, paper, and clay. After graduating from the Rhode Island School of Design, with a BFA in ceramics, she spent a year in Israel, where she learned about hamsas. She has taught art workshops in paper cutting, quilting, and Jewish ritual objects for adults and children throughout California.

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Amazing Abstracts with Julia Graves

I just spent two days in Julia Graves Amazing Abstracts EBHQ workshop. It’s foundation piecing on a muslin foundation. The whole quilt design is mapped out in advance with little snippets of fabric on double stick tape, on an index card or smaller. Here’s the quick sketch i started from:


Here’s my mockup with fabric stuck to it.

mock up

Now a sheet of plastic is placed over the design, and a grid marked.

mock up with grid

I stayed up past midnight on the second day of the workshop to finish the first 9 blocks. I decided it was done! Somewhere early in the process, I forgot that I wanted it to be a spiral, and not concentric circles. I also neglected the step of drawing out guidelines across all the blocks, because I hate planning out everything in advance. That’s just not how I usually work.

Amazing Abstracts

I’m happy with how this turned out, even though it’s not a spiral. I’m glad I learned a new technique!

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Basket quilts!

Today I walked past Julie Silber’s antique quilt store on Hopkins in Berkeley. There was an elaborate basket quilt in the window, which reminded me of basket quilts I’ve done in the past. Mostly I do “liberated” baskets ala Gwen Marston. This quilt was in my first post for this blog!

Baskets and Hot Lemonade 2014

Baskets and Hot Lemonade 2014

Below is a basket quilt that I assembled from blocks donated by other EBHQ members as a present for outgoing president, Orna Pascal. I chose the basket theme because Orna makes actual 3D baskets as well as quilts.



There were so many blocks donated that mine, with 2 baskets in one block, ended up on the back.


Here’s a disappearing pinwheel variation that forms a basket.

windmill basket

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Blue Windows finished!

My blue quilt, now named “Blue Windows,” is finished! The deadline for the Prism Play quilts is Thursday, so it’s not even the last minute! Here’s the quilt and a detail shot. In the detail there is a face that I inadvertently created in the quilting stitches.

Blue Windows Detail


Blue Windows


I wrote various bits about the quilt, and an artist statement for this entry form. I’ll share them below.

150 words about Blue Windows

When I was a ceramic sculptor, I used a lot of architectural imagery in my work. However, I rarely use it in my quilts. I’m inspired by the variety of buildings, bridges, and castles I’ve seen in my travels. In the Middle East, doors and window frames are frequently painted blue to repel the “evil eye,” or misfortune. In this monochromatic quilt I chose to explore how house forms can be constructed from an improvisational log cabin block with a flying goose triangle for a roof. I pieced circular rectangle blocks for both the sky and the water, conveniently both are frequently blue. Choosing a full range of blues was the key to making a dynamic monochromatic quilt. It was surprising how many blue fabrics  exist that weren’t on my color card!

Prism Blue

As a reminder, here is the color card and the pile of fabrics, before I began.

50 words about the techniques:

I pieced improvisational log cabin blocks with a flying goose triangle for a roof. There’s a little machine appliqué as well. My circular rectangle blocks form both the sky and the water. The different quilting treatments help differentiate the sky from the water.


Posted in Improvisational piecing, log cabin blocks, Machine applique, Quilt Shows, SAQA, Work In Progress | Comments Off on Blue Windows finished!

Last quilt of 2021 and first quilt of 2022

Hand Dyed Hamsa

This quilt, which I’m calling, Hand-dyed Hamsa was my last quilt finished in 2021. The fabrics are all hand-dyed, from Laura Wasilowsky.

Blue and White Hamsa

This is the first quilt finished in 2022. I’m calling it Blue and White Hamsa. Both quilts will be for sale at the EBHQ Voices in Cloth quilt show, March 26 & 27 at the Crainway Pavillion in Richmond. For more info on the show:

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Starting Blue!


I’ve only been working on this quilt for two days, but I’m really pleased with how it’s going! This quilt is also for the SAQA Prism Play show. This quilt will be 15″ wide by 45″ high when it’s done.

Prism BlueHere is the pile of fabric and the color card that all the fabric must match. I’ve already eliminated some of this fabric. In the fabric store I though it matched the card, but when I looked at it at home, it was a little off.

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