Wonky/traditional stars


I decided to go with a white on white background fabric for these stars, rather than the lavender in the previous post. However, I didn’t enjoy the process of making this quilt as much as the previous quilt.  I love playing around with layout on my design wall. I designed this quilt on graph paper, before I started sewing. I like making design decisions as I go, but most of the decisions were made beforehand. If you have any advice on how to quilt it, please leave me a comment. I will add another light blue border before I quilt it.

Posted in Improvisational piecing, liberated stars, Uncategorized, Work In Progress | 1 Comment

A slow beginning

I’m working on another version of the previous quilt. For the medallion format, I need 8 of these 4 pointed stars, which will surround an 8 pointed one. I’ve made two different color versions of the 4 pointed star, and I’m not happy with either of them.

4 pointed star blocks. rejects

I think the grey background on the left, is not different enough from/ yet not similar enough to the lavender, to work well. I’m not happy with the all lavender one either, because I don’t have enough lavender fabrics to choose from. I also think the darker fabric on the upper left is too dark for the other three fabrics.

Please leave a comment if you have a color suggestion for the background fabric. I’m thinking I need to go significantly lighter, or significantly darker.

Posted in Improvisational piecing, liberated stars, Work In Progress | Tagged | 4 Comments

Improv star finished

Improv star

Improv star is now quilted. Thanks for everyone’s advice on how to quilt it. I used the walking foot to quilt parallel lines, in various improvisational directions. I didn’t mark any lines on the quilt, but used the width of the walking foot to judge the distance by eye. I’m planning on making a second quilt with the same component blocks, but in different colors. I was thinking of calling this one “Unexpected,” and the new one, “Expected.” Expected would be less improvisational, more of a medallion format.

Posted in Improvisational piecing, liberated stars, Uncategorized | 1 Comment

Tree of life hamsa finished except for beads.

Tree of life hamsa, with binding, no beads

Here it is, with the binding on. I’m planning to put a bead in each of the triangles on the bottom. It is 12″ x 12″ so this is my first one for the new 12 x 12 group in the Fall. It’s nice to be ahead of something for once.

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Improv quilt

mystery quilt, not quilted

I’ve been working on this quilt top for a couple of weeks. It’s an idea for a class I’d like to teach. I’m getting ready to sandwich it and quilt it. Any suggestions for how to quilt it?

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Tree Of Life Hamsa, continued

I practiced cutting out hamsas with vines/trees in them out of paper until I was satisfied with this one. I fused the green fabric to fusible web before tracing the paper hamsa onto the paper side of the fusible web. I  cut out the hamsa using small scissors and an Exacto knife. For a short explanation of what a hamsa is, see the post from 8/4, titled, “Hamsas”. I’m trying to decide if I need to zigzag around every single cutout or not. Leave me a comment if you have an opinion one way or the other.

Tree of life hamsa in progress

Posted in 12 x 12, Improvisational piecing | 4 Comments

Tree Of Life hamsa, in progress

strips for hamsa

I’m working on a different hamsa than the one I blogged about on 8/4. That other one is still a work in progress. This new one has a subtle tree in the middle, so I’m calling it a Tree Of Life hamsa. I pieced wedge shaped strings together for the two sides. If you look closely you can see that the two sides are not symmetrical.



Posted in 12 x 12, Improvisational piecing | 1 Comment

A trip up the Oregon coast.

I recently returned from a trip up and down the coast of California and Oregon. It’s amazing how many tiny coastal towns have a quilt shop, selling lots of lovely fabric. I also visited the Latimer Quilt and Textile Museum in Tillamook, OR, which even my husband and non-quilting best friend found worth visiting. At each quilt shop I bought small amounts of fabric. At the end of the trip I was surprised by how much I’d accumulated.

fabric from trip


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I’m working on some small quilts with hamsas. A hamsa is a stylized hand for protection, from the Middle East. Hamsa is the number five in Arabic.

I pieced a lot of orange scraps into a piece of “made fabric” then cut out the hamsa from blue fabric, backed with fusible web. I haven’t fused it to the orange yet. It’s very much a work in progress.

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Rectangular Disappearing Pinwheel

Well I’m still here, exploring disappearing blocks. This one is a disappearing pinwheel that only gets cut and reassembled in one direction, so it becomes a rectangle.



Here it is, cut into three even pieces.


Here it is, reassembled. Note that it is now a rectangle.


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