Small Covid related quilt


I never posted about this small 12″ x 12″ quilt which has now traveled to Sacramento and back. Here’s what SAQA and the Blueline Gallery said about the show:

This Showcase will exhibit work inspired as a result of the pandemic. While quarantined or sheltering at home, artists have grappled (and continue to grapple) with social distancing, isolation, loss and grief. How do artists express their emotions during this period? Does a slower pace of life afford opportunities for more intense creative expression? Artists in Residence will explore this subject.

Here’s what I wrote about my quilt:

September 9, 2020 was the day that the sky turned orange-yellow due to smoke from forest fires. It was so dark that it felt like twilight all day. In this piece the houses aren’t side by side, but socially distanced, representing all of us sheltering in place. We are in our separate homes, but not alone since we are connected through the internet. Instead of the sun, which couldn’t be seen on September 9, I placed a flower that looks like a Corona Virus.



Posted in 12 x 12, Improvisational piecing, Machine applique, Quilt Shows, SAQA | Comments Off on Small Covid related quilt

Re-do for my (prize winning!) Lone Robin


I took apart the top row and redid it. I knew that every time I looked at it it would bother me. Below is the previous version. Deadlines are my friend! January 1st was the deadline for EBHQ.

Lone Robin SFQG


What’s somewhat ironic is that the version right above which bothers me, won first place at the SFQG among 25 other Lone Robin quilts. I won a $50 gift certificate to Bay Quilts! Everyone at the Zoom meeting got to vote for their favorite. On the first vote, three of us  got 9 votes each. Then there was a runoff vote and I won!! This is my first quilt to win a prize as EBHQ doesn’t give prizes at our show.


Below are all the rounds of the Lone Robin from the SFQG website, with the 6th one first, and going down to the first one.


Nov 2nd Element: Your final round is…wait for it!… YOUR CHOICE! (with one condition). Add anything you like – plain, fancy, wide or skinny, patterned or solid. You get it – anything you like to wrap up your quilt design to your satisfaction. Maybe there’s enough compositional drama already and all you need is a plain border to complete your quilt. Or perhaps it’s time to create a dazzling final element. I leave it to you. The one condition is that in this final border, you must use one of the colors that appears in your first curved/circles block.

Oct 5th Element: Your fifth element must include crosses or Xs. They can be regular or wonky! This could be the moment where you cut your entire piece into quarters and put a cross through the middle of it. Or maybe you’ll make some miniature “x” blocks and scatter them in the corners of your quilt. You could combine crosses with another motif of your choosing. It’s your choice, Lone Robins!

Sept 7th Element: Your fourth element must include squares. They can be neatly square, or loose quadrilaterals, big blocks or tiny checkerboards. The squares can be pieced, printed, appliquéd, embroidered – you decide! They can be evenly arranged or just feature in a few small areas. You could combine them with another motif of your choosing. Use your imagination!

Aug 10th Element:  Your third element must include strips or stripes. You could piece your stripes or use a stripy fabric. They can be straight or wavy, chunky or pencil-thin. The stripes can be evenly distributed or just appear in a few small areas. The possibilities are endless!  

July 2nd Element:  Your second element must include flying geese that connect to the 1st element in some way — you decide how. You can paper piece them, foundation piece them, stretch them out so they’re skinny and long or wide and flat. They can follow the shape of a circle or wind randomly. You can make a string of ten on each side, or just include two or three randomly. The variations are endless!

June 1st Element: Your first element must be something that involves curves or a circle. Go for a paper-pieced block, cut your curves free-hand, appliqué something circular, or even feature a face!  Your first block can be any size or shape. It’s up to you. Have fun, Lone Robins!


Posted in Improvisational piecing, Lone Robin | 1 Comment

Chanukah postcards

Chanukah postcards

Here are three fabric Chanukah postcards that I made for my offspring and my sister. One of them still hasn’t arrived. I delayed posting these, intending to wait till they had all arrived. Here’s a better photo of two of them:

Chanukah postcards 2

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Pillow number 2

Pillow 2

Here is the second pillow I made for my daughter in Vancouver. It’s very improvisational! I decided that I would make it from food themed fabric and turquoise. Here are some process photos:

Pillow 2.2
Pillow 2.1

Pillow 2.3


It was an interesting puzzle to piece it together!

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Back story on Lone Robin quilt

Lone Robin without top row

I have a tendency to procrastinate, and all this Covid quarantining is draining my creativity. However deadlines are a great motivator for me. There was a midnight deadline to send the photo of my Lone robin to the SFQG. By midnight that night this is what I’d accomplished. Although all 6 elements were there, I hadn’t finished the top row. I emailed the photo above to Julia and kept working till 2 AM when I finished the top row. That’s when I sent Julia the photo below.

Lone Robin SFQGEven though this won the prize at the SGQG meeting, I wasn’t happy with the top row. I decided that I want an orange diamond in the center of the top row, and different orange curves on either side. I have taken apart the top row and am redoing it before the EBHQ deadline of January 1. Since I am the one picking the 4 prize winners for EBHQ, I won’t put my name in the hat.

Posted in EBHQ, Improvisational piecing, Lone Robin, SFQG, Work In Progress | 1 Comment

Lone Robin, (sort of) finished!

Lone Robin SFQG

Here is my Lone Robin with the 5th and 6th elements. #5 was crosses or Xs and #6 was anything of my choice but must include a color from the first round. I submitted this quilt top to the San Francisco Quilt Guild meeting for the show and tell of all the Lone Robin quilt tops. There were 26 LR quilts shown at the meeting. Everyone on the Zoom meeting could vote for their favorite. There were 3 quilts which tied for first place, each receiving 9 votes, including mine! there was a runoff for these 3 quilts, and mine was voted the winner! I received a $50 gift certificate to Bay Quilts, which I will use for fabric. I’m actually really surprised that my quilt won. I am a newcomer in the SFQG, and I thought people would vote for their friends.

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Pillow number 1

pillow 1 Shira

This is an 18 inch pillow I recently finished for my daughter in Vancouver, BC. She has a red couch. I offered to make black and white pillows, but she wanted vibrantly colored pillows! These are some of the same food fabrics I used for the quilt for her bed.

Here’s a photo of her bed quilt.

Good Enough to Eat 2012 (twin bed size)

Good Enough to Eat 2012
(twin bed size)

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Lone Robin 5th element!


For the 5th element of the Lone Robin we are adding crosses or X’s. Above is what I might do, and leave the extra space for element 6. However I made a bunch of examples for EBHQ of the many options possible. Here are all the options I tried, even though I wouldn’t use all of them in one quilt!

Options 5

In looking at these options, I realized that I wanted thicker bars to my X’s, except for the 3 color, Sujata Shah style ones on top.

Posted in EBHQ, Improvisational piecing, Lone Robin, SFQG, String and strip piecing, Work In Progress | Comments Off on Lone Robin 5th element!

Lone Robin with the 4th element

Lone Robin with squares

The 4th element to be added to the Lone Robin is squares. The squares can be regular squares or wonky squares. I’m adding a lot of squares to the bottom. I haven’t sewn the squares to the rest of the quilt because I’m waiting to see what comes next!

Posted in EBHQ, Improvisational piecing, Lone Robin, Work In Progress | 3 Comments

Fast baby quilt

DJ baby quilt

This is the baby quilt I’m almost finished with. I’ve already put the binding on. All it needs is the label, which will be heart shaped. It’s a two sided quilt and I don’t want the label to detract from the back. Here’s the back
DJ baby quilt back


This is a present for my friend Robin’s grandson, who hasn’t been born yet. I asked for the couple’s favorite colors. I was told, “ocean, forest, sun-just like our wedding colors.” so I gave them fish in the ocean on the front, and yellow and green on the back.

I didn’t look at the alphabet panel carefully when I first sewed the front together. I then realized that it was a double alphabet. I felt the quilt was too large in any case, so I took the second alphabet out, and sewed it back together, smaller.

DJ baby quilt first try

Here it is before I shortened it.

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