Tree Of Life Hamsa, continued

I practiced cutting out hamsas with vines/trees in them out of paper until I was satisfied with this one. I fused the green fabric to fusible web before tracing the paper hamsa onto the paper side of the fusible web. I  cut out the hamsa using small scissors and an Exacto knife. For a short explanation of what a hamsa is, see the post from 8/4, titled, “Hamsas”. I’m trying to decide if I need to zigzag around every single cutout or not. Leave me a comment if you have an opinion one way or the other.

Tree of life hamsa in progress

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4 Responses to Tree Of Life Hamsa, continued

  1. Katie S. says:

    Hi Claire, Came to look from lib quilter’s because I felt bad that you’re doing all this work and getting no comments–and what fun I’ve had! Re the Hamsa–I wouldn’t try to zigzag it–looks really complicated to do and would change its clean cut edges look I think. I might hand stitch right up the center of the design lines (vines) with same green thread or if you’re really good sewing slow on machine, just straight stitch same way in center of the vines. If youre worried it might come loose from fusing to fabric? It’s probably not going to fray cause it looks like it’s mostly bias edges, don’t you think?

    I really enjoyed all your disappearing blocks experiments too–I’ve only tried the standard disappearing nine patch but quickly got bored with it. Guess I wasn’t imaginative enough to try all those other cuts but now I will. They look like a lot of fun so thanks for sharing!

  2. June says:

    I’ve never done anything like this before, so don’t know what the best thing would be to do, sorry. Shasta at does do work sort of like this, so she might give you some ideas!
    (Lib-Quilters Group)

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