Category Archives: Improvisational piecing

Working on orange

Yesterday I worked on my orange quilt for SAQA’s Prism Play challenge. I filled in some of the gaps and started sewing the blocks together. I took this photo, and didn’t like the way the horizontal seam that goes through … Continue reading

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I’m working on my 15″ wide X 45″ long quilt for SAQA’s Prism Play challenge. I’m making an orange quilt and a blue quilt. I can only use the colors on the color card I received- no white or black, … Continue reading

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Lone Robin top finished!

This is my Lone Robin quilt top finished, with all 6 elements completed. I added the three turquoise squares on the top by machine applique, since the top was already sewn together when I decided to add them. This is … Continue reading

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Lone Robin element #6 continued

Here I am auditioning two different squares, between the orange “mountains.” I didn’t like either version. Either way it looks like eyes and a frowning frog mouth. I decided to do more orange in a “V.” Above I’m auditioning a … Continue reading

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Lone Robin element #6 (finally)!

I’m working on element # 6 of the Lone Robin, quilter’s choice, which means I can do anything I want! I took some of the leftover strips from element #3 and cut them up on an angle.   Now I’m … Continue reading

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When Day Was Night

This is my 12″ x 12″ quilt, called When Day Was Night. Today is the one year anniversary of that day when the sky was a dark yellow/orange all day, from the smoke in the atmosphere from the wildfires. This … Continue reading

Posted in 12 x 12, Improvisational piecing, Machine applique | Comments Off on When Day Was Night

Lone Robin element #5 continued

I’m working on the spaces between these squares. I decided to make wonky strips instead of the even ones in element #2. I think it would drive me crazy to make that many strips that were exactly the same. Below … Continue reading

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Lone Robin element #5

The fifth element for the Lone Robin is “gradations.” While I was visiting my sister in North Carolina, I visited 2 fabric stores. I bought about 8 different fabrics, all of which had some kind of gradation. I had no … Continue reading

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A tale of two ladders

I seem to have ladders on the brain right now. I’m piecing a ladder into my Lone Robin quilt. Prompt #4 is roads, paths, ladders, and steps. Each space between the  rungs on this ladder is at least 1/4 inch … Continue reading

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Lone Robin 2021

I’m running behind in this year’s Lone Robin. However, I worked on it for a few days, and now I’m working on the current  prompt. Julia created the Lone Robin for the SF Quilt Guild. With her permission, I’m running … Continue reading

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