Author Archives: admin

My Cubist Friend- quilt

This is the second Cubist inspired quilt I made for the SAQA show called Art Movements- making quilts inspired by art movements. I finished the previous quilt- the Cubist style village, three and a half days before the deadline. In those … Continue reading

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There’s nothing like a deadline for motivation!

I just finished this quilt! It’s for a SAQA show called Art Movements- making quilts inspired by art movements, like Cubism. When I was eleven years old I painted a self portrait that my art teacher said was reminiscent of … Continue reading

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Royzelach paper rose/snowflake class in person this Sunday in Berkeley

I’ll be teaching how to make these royzelach (paper cut-out roses) at the Shavu’ot, (pre) Tikun this Sunday at the JCC /east Bay. But if you can’t come in person, here’s a video of me teaching it. However, it’s easier … Continue reading

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First finish of 2024

  This week I finished quilting and binding my Seed Pods quilt. I used a facing, sometimes called an infinity binding rather than a traditional binding. It’s such a relief to have finished it! This is one of my quilts … Continue reading

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New photos!

  I’m preparing a slideshow of the quilts that were in my solo show at St Albans for EBHQ Quilters Gather on 1/11/24. I’ve been taking new photos because my old photos aren’t up to my current standards. If you … Continue reading

Posted in 12 x 12, EBHQ, hamsa, Improvisational piecing, Machine applique, Quilt Shows | Comments Off on New photos!

Seed Pod pinned and ready to quilt!

        The first photo is at EBHQ’s Open Quilting. The second photo is at Bay Quilts at the EBMQ meeting. Now I just need to quilt it before the Voices in Cloth deadline!

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A plethora of hearts

Here is my latest batch of hearts. I used the two inches of quilt that I cut off my all-blue quilt for the Prism Play show. Then I sewed two strips together and had enough for a 4″ heart. I … Continue reading

Posted in Improvisational piecing | 1 Comment

My quilt top from Sarah Goer’s class

I took a Zoom workshop with Sarah Goer on making an improv quilt with squares. Each of us cut out random squares of fabric- mine ranged from 7.5″ down to 2.5″. I decided that I didn’t want to deal with … Continue reading

Posted in Classes, EBHQ, Improvisational piecing, modern quilts, Work In Progress | Tagged | 1 Comment

More hearts!

I placed both of these hearts somewhere in Asheville, NC for someone to find. Check out I found a Quilted Heart. I’ve really enjoyed the hand sewing on these, and how quick they are to make.

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I found a quilted heart

This is the first heart that I left for someone to find. I checked back, two days later and it was gone. I needed a small hand sewing project to do in my sister’s hospital room. Go to for more info!

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