SAQA benifit auction


This 12″ 12″ quilt of mine just sold in the SAQA (Studio Art Quilt Associates) benefit auction. This is the first time I’ve donated a quilt to their auction.

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My very tiny quilt show at Art and Lit!

I’m having a quilt show in a little free library.  Art & Lit is a half-square-foot gallery located above a free little library in the Berkeley Hills. It has a website: and a Facebook page:

My show will be up from August 17 through Sept 6th.

Art and Lit.4

Here are several photographs of my show by Andrea Scharff, the owner of Art and Lit.

Art and Lit.1

This is what it looks like from the outside.

Art and Lit.3

Here’s another photo of the little plastic people who are looking at my show.

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My Cubist Friend- quilt

My Cubist Friend_fullThis is the second Cubist inspired quilt I made for the SAQA show called Art Movements- making quilts inspired by art movements. I finished the previous quilt- the Cubist style village, three and a half days before the deadline. In those three and a half days I made this quilt! It’s fabric collage with fusible web. I didn’t do any sewing on it until I quilted it. If I had pieced it, it would have taken a lot more time to make. It unintentionally looks a little like a friend of mine.


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There’s nothing like a deadline for motivation!


I just finished this quilt! It’s for a SAQA show called Art Movements- making quilts inspired by art movements, like Cubism.

When I was eleven years old I painted a self portrait that my art teacher said was reminiscent of Paul Klee’s cubist paintings. I’ve liked Paul Klee’s work ever since then. I intended to sew a cubist face, but then I saw Klee’s painting, Castle and Sun, which looks just like a quilt! There are even four-patch blocks in it. This quilt is my third attempt at sewing cubist houses. Each time, the houses have become more abstract and perhaps more cubist as well. In this quilt the houses are made of only squares and triangles. However, I’ve hinted at more of the architectural details in the quilting. I’m excited to have rediscovered Paul Klee and plan to make more cubist style cityscape quilts in the future

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Royzelach paper rose/snowflake class in person this Sunday in Berkeley

I’ll be teaching how to make these royzelach (paper cut-out roses) at the Shavu’ot, (pre) Tikun this Sunday at the JCC /east Bay. But if you can’t come in person, here’s a video of me teaching it. However, it’s easier and more fun to learn it in person.

There’s a midrash (folkloric legend) that when we received the Torah/10 Commandments at Mt. Sinai, we received them with all our senses. There was thunder, lightning, and the smell of roses. Royzelach (roses in Yiddish) are paper cut-outs that were used to decorate windows for Shavuot in Eastern Europe. Shavuot is the Jewish holiday that celebrates receiving the Torah, which starts this year on the evening of June 11, 2024.

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First finish of 2024

Seed Pods, quilted


This week I finished quilting and binding my Seed Pods quilt. I used a facing, sometimes called an infinity binding rather than a traditional binding. It’s such a relief to have finished it! This is one of my quilts for the Voices in Cloth Quilt Show on March 23 and 24 in Oakland. More info at › VIC

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New photos!

Claire Sherman_Axis Mundi Jacobs Ladder_1of3.jpg


I’m preparing a slideshow of the quilts that were in my solo show at St Albans for EBHQ Quilters Gather on 1/11/24. I’ve been taking new photos because my old photos aren’t up to my current standards. If you go to you can request the Zoom link. Quilters Gather starts at 7 PM. Here are a few new photos.



Above is Axis Mundi: Jacob’s Ladder

Claire Sherman_Gesher Tzar Narrow Bridge_1of3








Above is Gesher Tzar: Narrow Bridge

06 Blue Pomegranate Hamsa 12 x 12








Above is Blue Pomegranate Hamsa. It looks huge here but it’s only 12″ x 12″.

Below is First Lone Robin.

17 First Lone Robin H 45 x W 34

Posted in 12 x 12, EBHQ, hamsa, Improvisational piecing, Machine applique, Quilt Shows | Comments Off on New photos!

Seed Pod pinned and ready to quilt!

seed pod pinned





Seed Pod pinned at Bay Quilts

The first photo is at EBHQ’s Open Quilting. The second photo is at Bay Quilts at the EBMQ meeting. Now I just need to quilt it before the Voices in Cloth deadline!

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A plethora of hearts


Here is my latest batch of hearts. I used the two inches of quilt that I cut off my all-blue quilt for the Prism Play show. Then I sewed two strips together and had enough for a 4″ heart. I used a tight zigzag stitch to sew them together. If you double click on the image, it will get larger, so that you can see the hand stitched details.

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My quilt top from Sarah Goer’s class

Squares in progress

I took a Zoom workshop with Sarah Goer on making an improv quilt with squares. Each of us cut out random squares of fabric- mine ranged from 7.5″ down to 2.5″. I decided that I didn’t want to deal with 1.5″ squares! We each arranged our squares (differently) on our own design walls. My design is above. Then we drew our arrangement on graph paper, taking into account that when sewn the squares would each lose a half inch. Then we drew in the background squares we’d need to finish the quilt. Here’s my drawing:

Squares on graph paper

Then we cut out all the background squares and rectangles and sewed them all together. I used three different background fabrics: math themed, radio diagrams, and music fabric. Although I tried to avoid partial seams or Y seams, I did end up with one. Here’s my finished quilt top, all made in one day.



Posted in Classes, EBHQ, Improvisational piecing, modern quilts, Work In Progress | Tagged | 1 Comment