I’m in two SAQA shows at once!

I mentioned the Prism Play show in San Diego in the previous post. The SAQA (Studio Art Quilt Associates) show, Art Movements is opening in Folsom on 1/31/25. I’ll be at the opening. My quilt, My Cubist Friend is in the show.

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My quilt in the Visions Gallery in San Diego!

This is my quilt that is in the Prism Play show at the Visions Gallery in San Diego! It’s 15” wide by 45” long, as are all the other quilts in this show. The Prism Play show, and this quilt have been traveling for several years now,

Posted in Improvisational piecing, Quilt Shows, SAQA | Leave a comment

Improv city almost done

I started this quilt several years ago in an EBHQ class by Krista Hennebury @poppyprint, called Speed Date with Improv. This is the almost finished quilt top. I might add more white fabric to the top and/or black to the bottom.

Here is what my blocks from this workshop looked like at the end of the workshop:

They looked like houses to me. I photographed them and piled them in a box. I started working on them recently. I got rid of the petal shapes on the bottom and some of the quarter square triangle blocks that were less house shaped. I added a bunch of new blocks and figured out how to sew them together.

This was an intermediate stage of this quilt:

When I was happy with the block placement, I drew on a photo to figure out how to sew the pieces together since the blocks were different sizes.

Here’s my mockup:

Posted in Classes, EBHQ, Improvisational piecing, modern quilts, Work In Progress | Tagged , | Leave a comment

Piecing letters

In a group I’m in we are making a group quilt with a quote on it. We divided up the words and I made these. It looks like some people in the group are using the same white fabric for the whole word and some are making it scrappy by using lots of different whitish fabrics. Some are also using different navy fabrics in the same word, but I didn’t have much navy fabric in my stash, so I used one navy fabric in each word, except for the hole in the R where I reused the other fabric. (It’s hard to see in this photo).

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Go see my show!

There’s a show of 10 of my quilts at the Kensington Public library, now until January 11th. The library is at 61 Arlington Ave in Kensington. The oldest quilt in the show is from 2008 and the most recent is from 2024.

Here are the library’s hours. Note that they are closed on Sundays and Mondays.

It’s nice to have a tall husband. With his help we didn’t even need a ladder.

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Challenge quilt finished

This is the front and back of the challenge quilt I recently finished. I had hoped to finish it before we knew the results of the election, but it was finished afterwards. The challenge is from the SF Quilters Guild. I received three “ugly” fabrics to make a 20″ x 20″ quilt out of. There needed to be a “recognizable amount” of the challenge fabrics. I chose to use mainly these challenge fabrics. The remaining challenge fabric became part of the quilt’s back. You can see how little there is left of it.

These are the three challenge fabrics. They’re not really that ugly!

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SAQA benifit auction


This 12″ 12″ quilt of mine just sold in the SAQA (Studio Art Quilt Associates) benefit auction. This is the first time I’ve donated a quilt to their auction.

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My very tiny quilt show at Art and Lit!

I’m having a quilt show in a little free library.  Art & Lit is a half-square-foot gallery located above a free little library in the Berkeley Hills. It has a website: www.bayviewartandlit.com and a Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/bayviewartandlit

My show will be up from August 17 through Sept 6th.

Art and Lit.4

Here are several photographs of my show by Andrea Scharff, the owner of Art and Lit.

Art and Lit.1

This is what it looks like from the outside.

Art and Lit.3

Here’s another photo of the little plastic people who are looking at my show.

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My Cubist Friend- quilt

My Cubist Friend_fullThis is the second Cubist inspired quilt I made for the SAQA show called Art Movements- making quilts inspired by art movements. I finished the previous quilt- the Cubist style village, three and a half days before the deadline. In those three and a half days I made this quilt! It’s fabric collage with fusible web. I didn’t do any sewing on it until I quilted it. If I had pieced it, it would have taken a lot more time to make. It unintentionally looks a little like a friend of mine.


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There’s nothing like a deadline for motivation!


I just finished this quilt! It’s for a SAQA show called Art Movements- making quilts inspired by art movements, like Cubism.

When I was eleven years old I painted a self portrait that my art teacher said was reminiscent of Paul Klee’s cubist paintings. I’ve liked Paul Klee’s work ever since then. I intended to sew a cubist face, but then I saw Klee’s painting, Castle and Sun, which looks just like a quilt! There are even four-patch blocks in it. This quilt is my third attempt at sewing cubist houses. Each time, the houses have become more abstract and perhaps more cubist as well. In this quilt the houses are made of only squares and triangles. However, I’ve hinted at more of the architectural details in the quilting. I’m excited to have rediscovered Paul Klee and plan to make more cubist style cityscape quilts in the future

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