
I’ve added a paper-cut gallery to the menu bar at the top of my blog. I’ll be teaching a hamsa papercutting class for New Lehrhaus on 3/30/21.

Papercut Hamsa Workshop

A hamsa is a stylized hand for protection against the “evil eye,” frequently worn as jewelry. Made by both Jews and Muslims, hamsas are found all over the Middle East, but are older than either religion. Come learn about the folklore of hamsas, as we make them out of paper. Learn the basics of paper-cutting, a traditional Jewish folk art. We will cut out our hamsas with scissors, and/or Exacto knives for accuracy, then glue them to a background. No artistic talent is required to make stunning hamsa designs. The finished paper-cut hamsa can be framed, to hang on the wall. This workshop lasts for two hours. Materials fee of $5 in cash or check to the instructor, Claire Sherman.

Here are some of my papercuts from the gallery on the menu bar:

NC 2

paper cut 3

paper cut 2

paper cut 4

paper cut 6

paper cut 1

For more info about these paper-cuts, go to the Paper-cut Gallery, above.


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Orange is quilted!

Orange quilted not bound


Orange quilted and bound

Here is my orange quilt, quilted both before and after I sewed the binding on.

Orange quilt detail

Here are the 150 words I wrote about the inspiration for the piece & how it reflects my interpretation of the show’s concept:

Orange Meanderings

Orange is an inspiring color for me. I use a lot of orange in my quilts, but it was a surprise that orange can include brown. I created blocks I call circular rectangles. I manipulated the blocks on my design wall until I settled on an overall design. I enjoy piecing improvisational curves; however, this was the first time I’ve attempted it with only one color. Choosing a full range of oranges from dark orange brown to pale salmon was the key to making a dynamic monochromatic quilt. Texture is also important. I used both solid color and printed fabrics for more visual texture. The different quilting within each change of color adds definition to the meanderings of the curves.

50 words about the techniques in Orange:

For circular rectangle blocks, I cut four colors of fabric into same sized rectangles. I cut three curves into the stack, without marking. Then I shuffle the stacks of fabric and sew them together. This makes 4 blocks, each with all 4 of the colors.

I did all of the quilting with a walking foot.

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EBHQ has a new color challenge each month. Last month it was orange when I was coincidentally working on an all orange quilt! This month it’s violet. Here are two small quilts I made a few years ago, with violet.

Violet 2

This was a UFO swap challenge from the 12 x 12 group. Anyone who wanted to participate brought in a UFO (Unfinished Fabric Object) that they wanted to get rid of.  I didn’t bring one because I’m still attached to finishing my UFOs. One person brought in two. The group decided to give me this one, because it was in, “my colors.” I think Janet Mednick pieced the block. I cut a hole in the middle, added the white fabric, and the quote. Then I quilted it and added four white buttons. If you double click on it you can see the details.

Here’s another one with violet:

Violet 1

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A doll quilt for an owl

Liora doll quilt front quilted

Here’s the front of the doll quilt I made with owl fabric in the middle. I practiced my free motion quilting on it. After it was finished, I realized that it wasn’t a quilt for a doll, but for Liora’s plush owl. Her owl’s name is, HooHoo. Sure enough, when I gave it to her she immediately covered HooHoo with it. Here is the back of the quilt, which Liora seems to think is the front.

Liora doll quilt backI couldn’t resist putting more owl fabric on the back.

Here is the front and back of a little purse that I made with owl fabric, also for Liora.

pursePurse back

Posted in Baby quilts, Work In Progress | 2 Comments

I thought I was done!

Orange top finished

I sewed the pieces together and trimmed the uneven edges. When I measured it , it was only 46 inches long. I may loose more than an inch in the quilting and facing. This quilt needs to be 45″ in length and 15″ wide. I am adding a couple inches to the top.

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Today’s orange dilemma

I’m sewing together the separate sections of my Orange quilt.  I realized that the orange curve that I wanted to continue into the next block actually works better if it continues into the lightest color curve.

Orange bottom 1

Above is what I was intending to do. Below is how I will probably sew it together. The new version also makes the browns line up together.

Orange bottom 2

It’s a subtle change, but really adds to the flow of the quilt!


Posted in Improvisational piecing, Quilt Shows, SAQA, Work In Progress | Comments Off on Today’s orange dilemma

Tonight’s progress on Orange

Here’s tonight’s progress on my orange quilt. There was a piece of the lightest fabric in the middle of the quilt that really bothered me. I performed surgery and inserted more orange instead. I’m glad I did it! The quilt looks much better to me now. Here it is with the seams taken out, but the light fabric is still there.


Fabric is cut out.



Orange fabric is sewn in.


fix.3Here’s the rest of this evening’s progress.



Posted in Improvisational piecing, Quilt Shows, SAQA | Comments Off on Tonight’s progress on Orange

Speed Date with Improv!

I took two EBHQ Zoom classes with Krista Hennebury #poppyprints. One was Speed Date with Improv which was totally up my alley! We made a bunch of blocks while learning a bunch of techniques. Everyone used black, white plus one color. I (somewhat randomly) put all the blocks on my design wall. I haven’t decided yet how I will sew them together.

Speed date w improv

The other class was a Courthouse Steps layout of the log cabin block. All the fabric strips were cut without a ruler and without measuring. I did manage to sew all the blocks together, because I was afraid that if I took it off the wall I’d never get it back together again.

Courthouse steps


These randomly sized blocks were put together with filler or coping strips. Many of these strips were pieced from the trimming leftovers. Here is mine before I sewed it together.

Courthouse steps in progress

Posted in Classes, Improvisational piecing, log cabin blocks | Comments Off on Speed Date with Improv!

Working on orange

Yesterday I worked on my orange quilt for SAQA’s Prism Play challenge. I filled in some of the gaps and started sewing the blocks together.

tilted OrangeI took this photo, and didn’t like the way the horizontal seam that goes through the top circle seems to run downhill! I repositioned it, and liked it better.

tilted orange no longerI still have a lot more to do on this quilt. Most of the blocks are not sewn together.


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I’m working on my 15″ wide X 45″ long quilt for SAQA’s Prism Play challenge. I’m making an orange quilt and a blue quilt. I can only use the colors on the color card I received- no white or black, either. Prism Orange

Above is my pile of fabrics that match the card.


Above are the first four blocks. This photo has the truest color. The other photos are too dark, and not orange enough. The quilt won’t be sewn together like this because that would be wider than 15.”


In addition to the rectangular blocks I made four square blocks. Above, I started arranging them on my design wall.



I decided that I needed a lighter light, and made four more square blocks with a flesh tone as the lightest light. Also, the gap in the top circle inspired me to fill it with a pieced accent strip.


Here it is with the accent strips added, after a little more rearranging of the blocks. The blocks on the sides may not make it into the final quilt. I’m still several days away from sewing all the pieces together.

Posted in Improvisational piecing, Quilt Shows, SAQA, Work In Progress | Comments Off on Orange!